Super fast WordPress 2.7 with Gears

I upgraded to WordPress 2.7 now, and the best things of all is Gears.

After you upgrade (just copy the files over the old ones, making sure you don’t overwrite any modified files, usualy good thing to backup, access /wp-admin/upgrade.php to complete upgrading), on top right corner you will see a link called Gears.

Download and install Gears, than come back to the Gears link on top right and enable. Your blog admin will work super fast.

Attention! Make sure you enable gears just if you are using it on your home computer/laptop (NOT on  PUBLIC COMPUTER).

Cati bani puteti castiga cu reclame NEOGEN

Primesc azi un email in care NeoGen spune ca:

Veti castiga cel putin 5 eurocenti pentru fiecare click pe care il face un utilizator al paginii pe reclamele CPC (plata pe click). Insa nu exista o suma standard, factori precum traficul si locul in care sunt plasate link-urile/bannerele sunt cruciale in succesul de ansamblu. De exemplu, un site cu un trafic mediu poate castiga usor peste 1000 de euro lunar.

Pe un site de caracter general unde am pus bannere NeoGen, am castigat in ultimele 7 zile din 100 de clickuri, exact 0.05 eurocenti / click. Media e clar 0.05.

Ca sa castigi usor peste 1000 de euro lunar trebuie sa ai 20000 de clickuri pe luna, adica 666 clickuri / zi.

CTR (cati vizitatori dau click pe bannere) poate varia bineinteles, dar pe reclamele neogen, eu am media de 0.4%.

Ca sa obtin 666 clickuri/zi (adica cei 1000 euro lunar), trebuie sa am 166500 de afisari / zi, aproximativ 100 000 vizitatori / zi.

Daca un site cu 100 000 vizitatori / zi e trafic mediu, si cu asta sa faci doar 1000 euro…

Concluzia … reclame NEOGEN sux 🙂 dar asta stiam si fiecare e liber sa aleaga. M-a deranjat doar ca mi-au trimis email sa imi spuna ca un site cu trafic mediu poate castiga 1000 euro / luna de la ei.

Voi cati bani castigati cu reclame NEOGEN ? ce CTR aveti ? si ce parere aveti de afirmatia lor ?

Tracking user actions from banner marketing campaigns

Advance PHP knowledge is needed to understand this technique

When advertising on a site, you want to know how the user actions from that site (if it converted or not: signed up or buy).

One solution is to add a domain.tld/?refer=somecode but that looks ugly for the ones who visit. 

For fav20 I see if user registered by using the following code:

if(stristr($_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’],’domain.tld’)) {
       $referer = ‘domain.tld’;
       setcookie(“referer”, $referer, time() + 3600 * 24 * 30,”/”);

And then I use the $referer variable to add it to a hidden field in the sign-up form and insert it in the database. User will be tracked for 30 days on my example.

Unsubscribe from blogs with partial RSS feed

When you read a blog, you read it for it’s content and not it’s design. I decided to unsubscribe from partial RSS feeds, because I loose too much time visiting their blogs just to check out the article.

If the article is good and I am interested in commenting, after I fully read it in the RSS Reader, I will visit the article and comment.

I sometimes use my HTC Diamond to read blogs via RSS Reader, and I really hate it that I have to go visit their blogs to read the article.

Follow my full articles via reader.

Browser: How to change homepage

If you want to change your browser, it usualy depends if you are using Internet Explorer, FireFox, Opera or other, but usualy it can be found on: Tools -> Options (Internet options) -> Main (General Tab).

You can set there any homepage you like. New browsers (FF2,3 + IE7) support more than one homepage (that will open in new tabs).

A hint is for you to try as your homepage.