fav20.com is a bookmark 2.0 web site I developed to make it easier to access your every day web sites.
Fav 2.0 is a modern way to use your most visited websites. Set it as homepage and add your most visited sites. It uses cookies to store your sites and settings.
Before you comment please check out the site first. Waiting for your suggestions.
Hi,great work! Is there a possibility to rearrange position of thumbnails?
Hi Francesco, check out http://www.razvangirmacea.com/projects/fav-20/sorting-websites-with-fav20 about this issue
Ok, thank you.. For 1 day, some time ago, I saw the icon on left of thumbnails to move them.. But it didn’t works. 😉
I will wait final version of mootools v1.2.. Thanks again..