Building my own products, doing what I like.

  • Page Experience – SEO ranking signal starting May 2021.

    Page Experience – SEO ranking signal starting May 2021.

    #seo #google Starting May 2021, Google will include Page Experience ranking signals in the ranking algorithm. Optimizing is not an easy task, even for simple WordPress sites with a few plugins. I spent quite a lot of time to achieve good score on a few websites. Suggested tools: (or the Chrome Dev version…

  • Made-up marketing is the new Growth Hacking

    Made-up marketing is the new Growth Hacking

    What do you think about consultants that write courses or posts or promote themselves by saying they will increase your conversion/traffic/…. by 68% or 248% or …? ( If I will get exactly another number can I call you a liar? You didn’t even ask me about the current state of my business.) Why not…

  • What to read next as an entrepreneur?

    As an entrepreneur, you do not learn only from books about entrepreneurship, but also from books that can make you mentally stronger, to be able to survive all the challenges entrepreneurship throws at you. I often look for the best books to read/listen to that can really help me develop personally and professionally. I want…

  • Why I am building a tool to monitor competitors

    Why I am building a tool to monitor competitors

    Having business ideas is easy. If you are inexperienced, you might jump to implement it and see where that leads you. If you’ve read stuff about startups for a while, you will probably follow the Lean Startup way (and that is very good). With Competitive Business, I will focus on the growth stage of a startup, to monitor…

  • Yii2 for WordPress extension

    When I first launched my startup Monitor Backlinks, I’ve built it without any PHP framework because I didn’t have a good experience with any that I’ve tried. That was my fault because I didn’t work on very big projects where we could work as a team. After migrating to Yii2 last year, my development team…

  • [job] Remote Senior PHP Developer on Yii 2 Framework

    *** This job is for joining Monitor Backlinks team *** Isn’t it annoying always to start a new project and not spend enough time to make it close to perfect? to make it a quality project that you can be proud? You will be responsible for implementing new features on Monitor Backlinks ( That’s it, no…

  • Think before choosing freemium for your startup

    Launched in 2010, AppFog finally gives up on freemium business model. Over the past few months, a subset of free users have engaged in abusive actions that has negatively affected the stability and uptime for all users. We have taken numerous steps and dedicated resources toward addressing abuse, but have come to the realization that…

  • Getting fewer visitors to your website is a good thing

      For the last 2 years, I watched how the traffic of my startup grow. After I had managed to get more and more visitors to my website, I started paying more attention to conversions. The effort to increase my website conversion from 2% to 3% (that’s about 30% increase) is lower than increasing your…

  • Sa stau fara telefon de sarbatori?

    Pentru ca imi plac concursurile, jocurile si orice poate fi fun, m-am inscris la Concursul National de Stat Mai Putin pe Net de Saratori initiat de Vodafone.   Am sa las telefonul din mana.  Ne auzim dupa 2 ianuarie (sau pe Hangout) 🙂

  • [Freelance] Remote PHP Developers for Monitor Backlinks

    Looking for some very good PHP developers to work remotely for Monitor Backlinks. Skills required: PHP/MySQL (a lot of proven experience) HTML/CSS (medium) GitHub is a plus PHPUnit testing is a plus Experience building scripts using different API’s Anything extra that can help us! (just show it in the CV) Initiative! (you see a bug, have…

Got any book recommendations?